Indoor Bowling at Etherow IBC

Indoor Bowling at Etherow IBC

We recently asked our club captain, Steve Roberts, why he thought so many people enjoy indoor bowling so much, here’s what he had to say … Playing indoor bowls is something we can all truly enjoy. It presents a unique set of challenges that differ from...
England Short Mat Teams Visit Etherow IBC

England Short Mat Teams Visit Etherow IBC

Last weekend saw the England Ladies and England Under 21s Short Mat Bowling teams visit Etherow Indoor Bowling Centre. The teams travelled from up and down the country to put our Greater Manchester team through their paces and local MP and Secretary of State for...
Etherow Teams Raise £740 for NHS in Charity Event

Etherow Teams Raise £740 for NHS in Charity Event

Last week saw 12 teams of four battle it out on the rinks in aid of the NHS during the second annual NHS Charity Long Mat Knock Out event sponsored by Etherow Bowler, Gerry Thackrey. Everyone who attended reported that the day was a fun-filled fantastic success and...
Christmas 2024 Opening Times

Christmas 2024 Opening Times

Etherow IBC will close for the festive holidays on Friday 20th December and will re-open again at 9am on Friday 3rd January 2025. Our short mat club night on 27th December will still go ahead and everyone is welcome to join us from 4:30pm. The Etherow Charitable Trust...