New mugs arrive for our bowlers

New mugs arrive for our bowlers

Following complaints from some bowlers that the tea and coffee sizes were too small, our sponsor, TPS, have kindly donated a huge consignment of large mugs and coasters to the centre. Our bowlers can now enjoy larger drinks to power them up for their bowling...
Team Application Forms Now Available

Team Application Forms Now Available

The 2023/24 leagues season will soon be upon us and we need our team captains to get their application forms in. You can download a copy of the application form from our Teams page which can then be emailed to us, or printed and brought into the centre, or you can...
Pricing Update – September 2023

Pricing Update – September 2023

Following feedback from bowlers, the committee met to review pricing and changes have been made to lower these for some activities. As a committee, we are committed to keeping prices as low as we can to make our centre and our sport accessible to as many people as...