Last week saw 12 teams of four battle it out on the rinks in aid of the NHS during the second annual NHS Charity Long Mat Knock Out event sponsored by Etherow Bowler, Gerry Thackrey.

Everyone who attended reported that the day was a fun-filled fantastic success and the celebration cake provided by Gerry added to the smiles! This year’s champions title went to team “Doddy and the Diddy Men” comprising of Gerry Thackrey, John Dodd, Ann Wilde and Alan Hoy who took the win in the final from Angela Roberts, Nick Hooley, Ed Mountfield and Ed Pearce known on the day as team “The Four Tops”.

The real winner of course is the NHS who this year will receive £740 from the event which smashes the figure of £500 that the games raised last year.

Congratulations and thanks go out to all the players and spectators on the day in addition to supporters of the event who purchased raffle tickets, put time and effort into event organisation or helped out in any other way.